TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the printed circuit board mount DC input TDK-Lambda iDQ48010A480V EMC filter. Designed to reduce emissions from high frequency DC-DC converters, the high on-board capacitance minimizes the need for additional external components and provides exceptional differential mode filtering.
The iDQ filter can be used with voltages up to 75Vdc, is rated at 10A and will operate at full current with natural convection in ambient temperatures between -40 to +85oC. Differential mode attenuation at 300 kHz is 63dB with a 50Ω source & load impedance. The package size is just 50mm long, 15mm wide and 10.8mm high.
The iDQ takes advantage of TDK component technology and helps simplify system level compliance with FCC and CISPR standards. The filters have 1500Vdc input/output to ground isolation, allowing them to be used with either positive or negative grounded systems. An additional pin is provided to connect additional capacitance to increase common mode attenuation.
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