APEC 2021, to be held in Phoenix, Arizona from March 21-25, 2021, invites qualified experts to present Professional Education Seminars (PES) that address issues of immediate and long-term interest to the practicing power electronics engineer. These seminars provide in-depth discussion of important and complex power electronics topics. The portal for submitting proposals for Profession Education Seminars is now open. The deadline for submission is September 4, 2020.
These seminars, held on Sunday and Monday at the start of the annual conference, have continued to grow in popularity. Each seminar combines practical application with theory designed to further educate the working professional in power electronics or related fields. The Professional Education Seminars at APEC are three-and-one-half hours (including breaks) in length, can range from broad to narrow in scope, and can vary from introductory to advanced in technical level.
The committee welcomes proposals focusing on any of the following areas of power electronics:
Power Systems
AC-DC Power Supplies; DC-DC Converters; Inverters; Power System Architectures; Lighting Power Systems; Renewable/Alternative Energy; Aerospace and Defense Systems; Automotive and Traction Applications; Telecom Power Systems; Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Capacitor Technologies; ICs for Power Electronics; Magnetics; Power Semiconductors
Control of Converters & Systems; Digital Control and Management; EMI and EMC Issues; Energy Harvesting; High-Efficiency Designs; Machine Control; Modeling and Analysis; Power Conversion Fundamentals; Power Factor Correction; Protection of Converters and Systems; Safety and EMI/EMC Compliance; Simulation Tools and Techniques; Soft-Switching Techniques; Thermal Management
Design for Manufacturability; High-Density Packaging; Manufacturing Processes; Standardizing Specifications; Technology Transfer
Benchmarking Results; Identifying New and Emerging Markets; JIT and Material Management; Market Analysis and Strategies; Procurement and Qualification; Product and Technology Roadmaps; Quality/Reliability and Data; The Voice of the Customer
The Professional Education Seminars are a vital component of the annual APEC event and the committee strives to select a wide range of topics most relevant to applied power electronic topics from the industry and academia experts. Click here for detailed instructions for submitting a proposal.
As “The Premier Event in Applied Power Electronics™,” APEC focuses on the practical and applied aspects of the power electronics business. This is not just a designer’s conference. APEC has something of interest for anyone involved in power electronics:
Equipment OEMs that use power supplies and dc-dc converters in their equipment
Designers of power supplies, dc-dc converters, motor drives, uninterruptable power systems, inverters and any other power electronic circuits, equipment and systems
Manufacturers and suppliers of components and assemblies used in power electronics
Manufacturing, quality and test engineers involved with power electronics equipment
Marketing, sales and anyone involved in the business of power electronics
Compliance engineers testing and qualifying power electronics equipment or equipment that uses power electronics
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