Unlike better-known electromagnetic motors, the widely used piezoelectric-based motor/actuator provides precise, repeatable linear motion over short distances, and requires a voltage drive rather than a current drive. When we think “motor”, we usually think of rotating motion or perhaps a special “linear motor” which is a rotary motor which has been rolled out flat. To […]
EV Engineering
Basics of AC, DC, and EC electric motors (Part 2) — EC and stepper
Part 1 looked at basic AC and DC motors which do not require “electronics” to operate (although the variable-frequency AC motor is an important exception). However, the development of fast, low-resistance all-electronic switches – primarily MOSFETs as well as IGBTs – and microcontrollers, plus powerful permanent magnets has dramatically changed the situation. Q: What is […]
Basics of AC, DC, and EC electric motors, Part 1— AC and DC
Electric motors – from tiny ones which advance a sheet of paper, to huge ones which power industrial machinery — are so common that we may not give them adequate consideration. Motors have a complex history and genealogy, which can be confusing to newcomers, Figure 1. Each motor subtype has unique characteristics which make it […]
Efficient cooling for EV battery packs thanks to CFD
Advanced 1D and 3D computational fluid dynamics simulation techniques can help analyze the thermal properties of battery cooling packs powering electric vehicles. Doug Kolak, Boris Marovic, Steve Streater | Mentor, A Siemens Business The cooling system for an electrical vehicle’s battery pack is slightly less complex than that for a hybrid. It is generally a […]
The next EV to drool over: An 1,800-hp hybrid will hit 150 mph in under eight seconds
The Tesla Roadster covers the quarter-mile in 12.757 seconds while hitting 104.74 mph. Big deal. There’s a hybrid in the works at Ariel Motor Co. in the UK that will leave a Tesla eating its dust, even with the Tesla running in “ludicrous” mode. The range extended, electric sports car project is called the Hipercar […]
Managing EV batteries squeezed into odd shapes
Automakers are forced to fit EV batteries into nooks and crannies in an effort to maximize driving range. The resulting convoluted layouts call for a wireless approach to managing cells. GREG ZIMMER | Linear Technology Corp., now part of Analog Devices Inc. Lithium-Ion batteries require considerable care if they are expected to function reliably over […]
How to Protect Li-ion Battery Packs
by Ryan Roderick, Intersil Corporation Today’s Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are seeing increasing use in a wide range of applications, including electric scooters, portable power tools, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. And designing protection circuitry to safeguard them has never been more important. The power FET is an essential safety function in a battery management system […]