Bourns, Inc. entered the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) market with the Company’s first high-efficiency 600 V/650 V discrete product line co-packaged with a fast recovery diode (FRD). Designed using advanced trench-gate field-stop technology that provides greater control of dynamic characteristics, the five new Bourns Model BID Series discrete IGBTs deliver lower collector-emitter saturation voltage (VCE(sat)) and lower switching losses compared to previous generation non-punch-through IGBTs. In addition, this structure provides a positive temperature coefficient that helps increase device longevity and reduce power requirements in high voltage and high current designs.
Because Bourns’ new IGBTs are available in thermally-efficient TO-252, TO-247, and TO-247N packages, these devices can provide a lower thermal resistance Rth(j-c), making them ideal solutions for switch-mode power supplies (SMPS), uninterruptible power sources (UPS), induction heating and power factor correction (PFC) applications. Offering four voltage/current model options in 600 V/5 A, 600 V/20 A, 600 V/30 A, and 650 V/50 A, Bourns BID Series discrete IGBTs have been tested and qualified according to JEDEC standards for power switching products.
Bourns BID Series IGBTs are available now and are RoHS compliant* and halogen free**.
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