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Voltage single-phase active front end rectifier – In OrCad 16.6, I used PI regulator and PWM, but my simulation is making errors… and I’m unable to solve them. Can anyone pinpoint what am I doing wrong here? Read more
My schematic
with this regulation:
How to measure current with a digital oscilloscope – For a DC-DC converter how can I display and measure waveform of a current through an inductor and current through MOSFET switch using a digital storage oscilloscope? Read more
Simplest way of converting 240Vrms mains into 450V DC – I am building an SPWM Variable Frequency Drive that should be able to output at least 240Vrms @ 50Hz to drive a fan that may consume at most 30W, as far as I know for that I need a DC rail of 450Vdc. What is the simplest/easiest way to achieve a 450Vdc rail? Read more
H Bridge can’t simulate on Proteus – I made a simple 4x IRF3205 H Bridge for testing something out, the breadboard works well, but can’t simulate on Proteus. The schematic and error message is below. Read more
IRS2110 IRS2113 SD pin and rattlesnakes – My wife kept saying my malfunctioning circuit sounded like a rattlesnake, well her hearing is a might higher pitched than mine, but sure enough, the main transformer of my half bridge kept saturating. Fortunately, the overcurrent detector was shutting it down before any serious damage but what was the cause? Read more
How to match calculated and measured current of a brush DC motor – I have a full bridge driving a 24 V DC brush motor. I have measured the max current of H bridge with ACS sensor with STM32 uC and wrote down for four different duty of PWM. I also measured the Vsource. I measured the L and R of the motor with LCR meter. I locked the rotor of the motor. However, the calculated I max and measured I max are very different from each other. Read more
Three-phase delta load problem – I have solved the problem attached, and my answer isn’t the same as the solution manual. Can you please review and advise me if I am wrong or not? Read more
Power topology selection – I have an application that needs to convert 12V DC to a 140V DC, by delivering 1W to the load. I want to pick up a suitable topology for this application, but I can only think of using flyback topology. Would anyone give me some advice if flyback is the most suitable topology? Read more
BLDC motor heats up rapidly – I am driving a 1KW BLDC motor (CYM-A1-120) using my BLDC inverter. And I am not sure the frequency of the motor, so I constantly run at 7Khz. The motor runs fine with a little noise. The temperature of the motor gradually increases. Read more
Problem with IR2113 full-bridge – I am working on a MOSFET full bridge with IR2113. The thing seems to be working but with a problem. MOSFETs have a really long turn-off delay (see the oscilloscope attachment). At low frequencies, this is not a problem. However, when I increase the frequency to a few kHz the turn-off delay becomes problematic. Read more
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