For openers this week, we’ll deviate from our usual theme of power electronics to bring you a video dubbed by its creator, “Worst electrical work ever.” We agree. Heaven help whoever is living in the houses where these monstrosities can be found.
Solid state components do, in fact, smoke
These guys prove definitively that solid-state components do, in fact, smoke and catch fire if you put massive amounts of current through them. Why you would do this is not explained.
Watching electrolytic caps blow up
This proves that what happens to electrolytic capacitors in a massive over-voltage condition is really pretty impressive.
News to me
Well, we didn’t see this coming. What happens to 1,000 uF cap powered underwater versus in air.
Where to the bubbles come from?
So where to the bubbles come from when you over-power and LED underwater?
Sacrificing a motor so you don’t have to
This guy ran a 120-V motor on 240-V. Now you don’t have to guess what happens.
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