Central Semiconductor, a leading manufacturer of discrete electronic components, announced the addition of two new products to its extensive lineup, the CRU24715-600 (600V, with dual common cathode 15A rectifiers) and CRU24730-600 (600V, with dual common cathode 30A rectifiers). These through-hole hyper-fast recovery rectifiers packaged in the TO-247 provide outstanding performance and couple perfectly with Central’s upcoming line of Super junction MOSFETs.
“These new rectifiers were developed alongside Central’s upcoming Super Junction MOSFETs,” explained Tom Donofrio, Central Semiconductor’s Director of Marketing and Sales Operations, “and are intended to be used together to provide a complete solution for various designs, including the slow-side of a PFC totem-pole as well as Flyback diode configurations, DC/DC converters, and Switch-mode power supplies. ”
These hyper-fast rectifiers boast a very fast trr of 35nSec at a VR of 30V and IF at 1A with a di/dt=300A/us. With the dual die configuration, these devices can use a single leg, either pin 1 or pin 3 for 15A or 30A IF (AV) rating, or double the limit by using pin 1 and pin 3 in parallel to 30A or 60A IF (AV) rating. The TO-247 provides a temperature range from -55°C to 150°C with a power dissipation of 50 W.
Pricing for the CRU24715-600 SL starts at US $1.45 for 510 pcs. (30 pcs. in a tube/sleeve)
Pricing for the CRU24730-600 SL starts at US $1.75 for 510 pcs. (30 pcs. in a tube/sleeve)
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