Linear Technology Corporation announces the LT8610AC, a 3.5A, 42V input capable synchronous step-down switching regulator. Synchronous rectification delivers efficiency as high as 96%, while Burst Mode® operation keeps quiescent current under 2.5µA in no-load standby conditions. The device’s 3.0V to 42V input voltage range makes it ideal for automotive applications, which must regulate through cold-crank/stop-start […]
Super-accurate power/energy monitor for DC supply rails handles 100V
Linear Technology Corporation introduces the LTC2946, a high or low side charge, power and energy monitor for DC supply rails in the 0V to 100V range. An integrated ±0.4% accurate, 12-bit ADC and external precision time base (crystal or clock) enables measurement accuracy better than ±0.6% for current and charge, and ±1% for power and energy. […]