Texas Instruments introduced a family of four high-efficiency, low-quiescent-current (IQ) buck-boost converters that feature tiny packaging with minimal external components for a small solution size. The integrated TPS63802, TPS63805, TPS63806 and TPS63810 DC/DC noninverting buck-boost converters offer wide input and output voltage ranges that scale to support multiple battery-driven applications, helping engineers simplify and accelerate […]
Ultra-low-power LDO linear voltage regulator boasts quiescent current (IQ) of sub-25 nA
Texas Instruments introduced an ultra-low-power low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulator with the industry’s lowest quiescent current (IQ) of sub-25 nA – one-tenth that of competing ultra-small devices. The new regulator features low IQ control at light loads even in dropout conditions, allowing engineers to at least double the battery life of their applications. In addition, […]
Heat sinks, Part 2: Available components
Part 1 of this FAQ looked at the basic issues associated with cooling and heat sinks. Part 2 focuses on the various heat sinks available. Q: Are heat sinks limited to a single component such as an IC? A: No, there are heat sinks which fit entire unit or chassis cool such as those which […]