Electronics distributor Richardson Electronics, Ltd. will now stock UnitedSiC’s Gen 4 SiC FETs. The Gen 4 SiC FETs, named UJ4C, are the first and only devices to be rated at 750 V. Based on key Figures of Merit (FoM), the UJ4C series enables new performance levels and works with all the typical Si IGBT, Si […]
First SiC FETs with RDS(on) <10 mΩ deliver efficiency, low losses
Four new SiC FETs, with RDS(on) levels as low as 7 mΩ deliver unprecedented levels of performance and efficiency for use in high-power applications such as electric vehicle (EV) inverters, high-powered dc/dc converters, high-current battery chargers and solid-state circuit breakers. Of the four new UF3C SiC FET devices, one is rated at 650 V with […]
Optimizing discrete SiC devices
SiC FETs now include measures aimed at keeping losses down while managing fast switching waveforms. Dr. Anup Bhalla | UnitedSiC Silicon carbide (SiC) FETs have low on-resistances, fast switching speeds, and intrinsic diodes with low reverse recovery charge (QRR) and low forward-drop (VF) qualities. These qualities make SiC FETs suitable for use in active-front-end three-phase […]
Where SiC outperforms GaN
Silicon carbide and gallium nitride transistors both have their niche, but it pays to understand the applications in which each excels. Zhongda Li, United Silicon Carbide Inc. Wide band-gap (WBG) devices such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) are the hot topics of the moment, promising anything from universal wireless charging to power […]