TAIYO YUDEN CO., LTD. has developed a web-based component data viewer named “TY-COMPAS” (Taiyo Yuden COMPonent Assist System) that enables the easy selection of electronic components through its search and browsing functions.
This web-based component data viewer has been developed based on the “TAIYO YUDEN Components Selection Guide & Data Library” announced in April 2008, and can be used without being installed on a PC. In addition to existing functions for searching data, displaying graphs of component characteristics, and outputting data for simulators, TY-COMPAS (Taiyo Yuden COMPonent Assist System) enables use of the latest electronic component data. Engineers’ perspectives are given to the details of items so that this viewer can be more comfortable and easier to use.
In addition to capacitors, inductors, and bead inductors, TAIYO YUDEN also developed a chart publishing detailed data of polyacene capacitors, lithium ion capacitors and RF components. Henceforth, TAIYO YUDEN intends to continue making efforts in the field of software to enable customers to swiftly and accurately select and use their product.
The main three functions of TY-COMPAS are shown below.
(1) Component Data Search – In addition to searching by ordering code, component name, and application, data can be searched by specification of component size and characteristics. Furthermore, advanced search is now possible by specifying additional criteria and a search range.
(2) Component Characteristic Graph Display – By selecting characteristic graphs that are displayed for each component from search results, data for multiple components can be compared on a single graph.
(3) Data Output for Simulators – Data files containing S-parameter for high frequency circuit simulators can be output, as can equivalent circuit files for the analog circuit simulator SPICE.
Another function is Tree Search, which facilitates categorized search from many kinds of viewpoints. Users can save information and history of viewed components with My List.
Recommended system requirements for TY-COMPAS (Taiyo Yuden COMPonent Assist System) are browser: Windows Internet Explorer 7.x or later, Mozilla Firefox 4.x or later and display resolution: XGA (1024 x 768) or higher. TY-COMPAS (Taiyo Yuden COMPonent Assist System) users are encouraged to read the precautions for use, disclaimer, and software license agreement.
TY-COMPAS (Taiyo Yuden COMPonent Assist System) is released in October on the TAIYO YUDEN website in Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean (links from the top of each language website). The English version can be found at: http://ds.yuden.co.jp/TYCOMPAS/ut/searcherMain.do
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