Master Electronics, a distributor of electromechanical, interconnect and passive components, has added Advanced Thermal Solutions to its line card. Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. (ATS) has been in business for more than 25 years as a leading-edge engineering and manufacturing company focused on the thermal management of electronics
ATS’ Steve Nolan, suggests, “There is a clear difference for electronics component customers and that difference is the Master’s Difference: an industry-leading mindset and services to provide excellence to their customers. ATS is the innovation leader in thermal management. This is a strong brand message for us as it underscores one of our market differentiators. Partnering these two companies was symbiotic.”
Master President, Riad Nizam added, “ATS ‘covers the board’. That message resonates with our customers and our team. We now offer innovative solutions for every part of a customer’s PCB. That’s a statement Master Electronics is proud to make. We welcome ATS to the Master family.”
Headquartered in Santa Monica, Calif., Master Electronics is a distributor of electronic components dedicated to stocking breadth of part numbers. Founded in 1967, Master Electronics has been supplying components for industrial, military, medical, aerospace and consumer applications.
Founded in 1989 as a consulting company, ATS has evolved into a thermal solutions provider of more than 5,000 high- and ultra-performance heat sinks, liquid cooling solutions, an off-the-shelf heat-pipe line, expert consulting and design services, research-quality test equipment, and leading-edge R&D. ATS has established its own manufacturing center in the U.S. and developed strategic partnerships with Asian manufacturers to provide its customers with complete thermal solutions to tackle the industry’s toughest challenges.
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