So you think you know your power circuits? Prove it! Ace our little quiz on gallium-nitride FET circuit design and you can win your very own signed copy of GaN uber guru Alex Lidow’s GaN Transistors for Efficient Power Conversion, 2nd Edition.Alex Lidow is CEO of Efficient Power Conversion Corp. (EPC) and was CEO of International Rectifier Corp. Along the way, he co-invented the HEXFET power MOSFET, The book ,which Lidow wrote with EPC veterans Johan Strydom, Michael A. de Rooij, and David Reusch, serves as a practical guide for understanding GaN transistors and the circuits that employ them. Included are discussions on the fundamental physics of these power semiconductors, layout and other circuit design considerations, as well as specific application examples demonstrating design techniques when employing GaN devices.
To get your chance to own a free copy of this useful text, just answer all the questions in our quiz correctly. Send your answers to me ( by Dec. 31, 2014. We’ll put the correct answers we receive in a drawing for 10 autographed copies of Alex’s book.
After the contest is over, we’ll also publish the correct answers and show the work.
But be forewarned: This is not a “cake” quiz! The questions are courtesy of GaN uber guru Lidow himself. Good luck!
UPDATE: We’ve extended the contest deadline! Get your entries in by Dec. 31, 2014. And check out our QUIZ HINTS page!
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