by crutschow, Electro-Tech-Online community member To save power and reduce temperature rise, a solenoid or relay coil can be initially energized with full power to rapidly complete the solenoid stroke, and then reduce its voltage (current) to just what’s required to maintain the solenoid position. Often the voltage can be lowered to 35-50% of the nominal […]
A low-dropout CC/CV 12V lead-acid battery charger with auto trickle-charge
by Crutschow, Electro-Tech-Online community member For the best charging of lead-acid batteries a three-step technique is often used, consisting of an initial constant-current charge, then a high constant-voltage top-off, and finally a lower constant voltage trickle-charge. But a simpler two-step technique can also work fairly well, which is to start with a constant-current until the […]
Current Circuit: A bipolar AC/DC MOSFET low-side switch
by Crutschow, community member Here’s a circuit that uses two back-to-back N-MOSFETs and one PNP BJT to form a low-side bipolar switch for either AC or plus/minus DC sources. This has much lower On voltage drop and power loss than a TRIAC (for example a Triac will typically dissipate >10W at 10Arms current whereas […]
From the circuit vault on Electro-Tech-Online: Power Supplies
Forum members at EEWorld’s online engineering community Electro-Tech-Online have been sharing their electronic circuit ideas with other members for years. Now we’re featuring some of those circuits and projects you can build on EEWorldonline. Look for future posts featuring power, robotics, high voltage and audio circuits, as well as many others — all created by our […]