A silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) is a four-layer power semiconductor device. The term ‘silicon controlled rectifier’ was coined by General Electric when SCRs were first introduced in 1957. Like rectifiers, SCRs are unidirectional devices. Today, SCRs are recognized as a type of thyristor. Other types of thyristors, such as triacs, are inherently bidirectional. This FAQ […]
High-temperature snubberless triacs reduce heat sink needs
STMicroelectronics’ 800V 8H Triacs operate at full rated current up to the maximum junction temperature of 150°C, allowing heatsinks in drives for AC loads to be up to 50% smaller to combine compact dimensions with high reliability. Suited to industrial, personal care, smart-home, and smart-building applications, the new Triacs leverage ST’s latest Snubberless high-temperature technology […]