Power Integrations announced a new plug-and-play gate driver for use with Infineon’s PrimePACK 3+ and Fuji-equivalent IGBT modules for 2-level and 3-level applications. The SCALE-2 2SP0430T2XX gate-driver board suits industrial, traction, UPS and renewable-energy applications, and provides reinforced isolation for 1200 V and 1700 V IGBT modules. Meeting IEC60664-1 and IEC61800-5-1 standards and available in versions […]
98.5%-efficient high voltage BLDC motor driver eliminates heat sinks, doubles life of board
The move away from AC-DC motors to brushless DC (BLDC) motors reflects a disruptive change and Power Integrations has seized the opportunity to enter the highly integrated, highly efficient billion dollar motor drive market with their BridgeSwitch integrated half-bridge (IHB) motor driver IC family. “We saw the increasing adoption of BLDC motors worldwide in industrial […]
High-efficiency flyback switcher ICs incorporate 900-V MOSFETs
Power Integrations announced the release of LinkSwitch-XT2 offline switcher ICs incorporating 900 V power MOSFETs. Targeting high-efficiency isolated and non-isolated flyback power supplies up to 8 W, the up-rated ICs are suitable for three-phase industrial power supplies to 480 VAC and high-quality consumer products destined for regions with unstable mains grids, tropical regions with frequent […]
ICs comply with USB Power Delivery 3.0 standards for fast charging of smartphones, tablets, and notebooks
Power Integrations announced that a range of adapter designs based on Power Integrations’ InnoSwitch3-Pro and InnoSwitch3-CP ICs have achieved compliance with USB Power Delivery (PD) 3.0 standards. During a recent workshop in Portland, Oregon, nine adapter designs featuring InnoSwitch3 devices – including several designs submitted by leading power-supply manufacturers – successfully completed USB PD 3.0 […]
Gate-driver IC family certified to AEC-Q100 Grade Level 1 offer high-power safety and functionality
Power Integrations announced that two members of its SCALE-iDriver gate-driver IC family are now certified to AEC-Q100 Grade Level 1 for automotive use. The two parts, SID1132KQ and SID1182KQ, are suitable for driving 650 V, 750 V and 1200 V automotive IGBT and SiC-MOSFET modules, and are rated for peak currents of +/-2.5 A and […]
Dynamically configurable off-line switcher IC supports USB PD 3.0 + PPS
Power Integrations announced the release of its InnoSwitch3-Pro family of configurable off-line CV/CC and CP flyback switcher ICs. Capable of delivering up to 65 W and achieving up to 94% efficiency across line and load conditions, the new devices permit precise, dynamically adjustable, control of voltage (10 mV step) and current (50 mA step), via […]
Driving LED arrays, Part 2: power
Part 1 of this FAQ looked at the basics of using LEDs in series, parallel, and series/parallel arrays, the implications on the power-sourcing requirements, and the impact of an LED failure. Part 2 looks at other practical issues associated with powering the array. Q: Given the various configurations, what sort of drive is “best” for […]
Safety-isolated LED-driver ICs deliver flicker-free output up to 65 W
The LYTSwitch-6 family of safety-isolated LED-driver ICs target smart lighting applications. The new ICs deliver flicker-free output up to 65 W and feature up to 94% efficiency and as little as 15 mW standby power with configuration options for two-stage or single-stage PFC support. Targeting smart residential and commercial fixtures and low-profile ceiling troffers, LYTSwitch-6 […]
Power Electronics Top Talks in December on EDABoard.com forums
Peer-to-peer, engineer-to-engineer questions and answers from the EDABoard.com engineering community around power electronics. Click the “Read more” link and follow the entire conversation and maybe add your two cents by logging in to EDAboard.com Practical circuit problems – I tried to make an experiment with a “push-pull inverter” and it worked in simulation (software LTspice) […]
MOSFET and IGBT gate drivers deliver peak current of 5 A
Power Integrations introduced the newest member of its SCALE-iDriver IC family, SID1102K, a single-channel, isolated, MOSFET and IGBT gate drivers in a wide-body eSOP package. Featuring a peak drive current of up to 5 A, the new part is able to drive 300 A switches without boosters; external boosters can be used to cost-effectively scale […]