High efficiency in consumer electronics has become increasingly important. For portable electronics, this means lower resistance values on current sense resistors for battery and power management. Stackpole’s CSRF series is a foil on ceramic carrier chip resistor that is designed for these applications. The CSRF2512 is now available in resistance values down to 2 milliohms. […]
Thick-film shunt resistors feature 4-W rated power
ROHM Semiconductor introduced their new thick-film shunt resistors, LTR100L, optimized for industrial and consumer applications. Often used to detect current in battery protection and motor drive circuits, shunt resistors require higher accuracy to improve reliability and ensure high-efficiency operation. Recent years have seen an emphasis on energy savings in the industrial and consumer fields, with efforts being […]
Ultra-high power thick-film chip resistors offer PCB space savings
Today’s electronics devices push the envelope for smaller designs and greater functionality. Stackpole’s RMCP-UP is a high-power thick film chip resistor with very high power ratings for each case size, ranging from 0.2W rated 0402 sizes to 3W 2512 size. These elevated power ratings allow design engineers to use smaller chip resistors to free up […]
High-power chip resistors feature low thermal resistance
The WHPC0508X, WHPC0612X, and WHPC1020X extra-high-power resistors from TT Electronics are ideal for compact power supply and motion control applications, these resistors feature inverse geometry with the terminations on the long sides. This gives the new WHPC chip resistors very high thermal contact with the PCB and low thermal impedance. As a result, it is […]
Thin-film resistor comes in compact package
Stackpole Electronics’ CSRT2512-UP was developed to provide accurate, high-power current sensing for consumer and industrial electronic devices that exceed the capabilities of most 2512 case sizes available in the industry. The AEC-Q200 compliant CSRT2512-UP has unique thin-film material properties and processing to provide higher continuous power ratings and higher pulse power ratings than other thin […]
Thermal challenges with high-power resistors
Shrinking component sizes have complicated the task of ensuring temperatures stay below their allowable maximum. Kory Schroeder • Stackpole Electronics Inc. Electronic components of all types continue to shrink in size. In response, resistor manufacturers are devising resistors with higher power ratings but which come in commonly used sizes. Of course, when more power gets […]
Advanced current sensing for next-gen electronics
Contactless current sensing provides the fast response that state-of-the-art power circuits depend on. Michael DiGangi • ACEINNA The next generation of electronic products will be more powerful and flexible than ever. The advanced circuitry to drive them needs intelligent power management to realize the desired performance. Application spaces like robotics and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) rely […]
Current shunt resistors handle 5 W in space-efficient 2818 package
Power management applications for frequency converters, inverters, and hybrid power modules demand high power with environmental and electrical stability. While high power shunt resistors for current sensing are becoming more readily available, there is normally a tradeoff between high power and stable performance to achieve the higher power rating. Stackpole’s HCSM utilizes a metal element and […]
Miniature low-ohm shunt resistors handle 10 W
ROHM Semiconductor announced the development of the GMR320 series of shunt resistors featuring a rated power of 10W, the largest in the high-power, low-ohmic GMR lineup designed for high-power applications in the automotive, industrial equipment, and home appliance sectors. Recent years have seen an increasing demand in the automotive and industrial fields for higher power applications that consume less power. […]
High-power current sense resistors meet automotive quality standards
Bourns, Inc. announced the addition of nine new models to its existing AEC-Q200 compliant Model CSM2F High Power Current Sense Resistor Series. Bourns designed the new series as efficient, reliable, cost-effective, and accurate measurement solutions for the battery management systems (BMS), industrial control, and other high current applications. Current sense resistors are growing in popularity due to […]